Web Design and Development

The first place someone looks for your company is online. Having a professional, interactive, and attractive website that functions with the technology of today is no longer a choice, it is a requirement. Our President/CEO was one of the first people to start a professional web design agency in the Louisville area, through the years he’s seen how websites have grown and evolved as the way we communicate has changed. Splash Digital has kept up with those changes and is ready to put our Web Development expertise into action for your organization.

Every client receives a custom designed website that’s developed around your unique needs and goals. Functionality is extremely important to our web development team as well. More and more consumers solely access the Internet from a mobile device or tablet, all of our websites are designed to be responsive to the device those accessing your website are using.

Advertising and Marketing Consulting

When choosing an agency to handle your marketing and advertising needs two things are key: experience and innovation. The leadership team at Splash Digital has developed local, national and international advertising campaigns for a diverse group of clients including well-known national brands and products.

We also believe in transparency and an open client/agency relationship. We take an intimate approach to developing and implementing an advertising campaign that not only maximizes the return on your investment but also leaves you with a feeling of pride.

Splash Digital doesn’t believe in preconceived budgets, we know there are effective advertising solutions that fit all budgets, we know what works, how much it costs and put that into action to help you achieve your goals and grow your organization.

Brand Identity

In today’s image based world having a strong brand identity that is recognized across the spectrum is important to any the achievement of any organizations goals. Developing a strong company’s brand is one of our favorite tasks to undertake.

We’ve worked with companies who were launching new products and didn’t even have a name for it other than a patent number and we’ve worked with established companies who needed a brand makeover to better fit their organization’s growth.

Print Design

Print Advertising was one of the first major medians in which advertisers would reach their consumers. While it’s no longer the only way to advertise, print advertising is still a median that needs to be in your marketing equation. The key now is to have print pieces that are well designed, slick and stand out whether that’s a magazine ad, a billboard or a brochure.

When we design a print advertisement, a brochure or a banner we make sure that it is easy to read, follows the fundamentals of design standards and of course looks great on paper!

In order to save our clients money and time we not only design your pieces but print them in-house as well.

SEO Optimization

Phone books are a thing of the past! Customers are turning to Internet search engines like Google or Bing to find products, goods, or service providers. When they Google your industry, are they finding you or one of your competitors? Search Engine Optimization describes the process of improving the visibility and rankings of a website or web page in search engines.

SEO is one of the most challenging, frustrating, and rewarding online marketing pursuits imaginable. Unlike nearly all other marketing efforts, one simply can’t buy their way to the top. SEO takes innovative strategy, consistent execution, and a deep understanding of the mechanics of search engines.


Social Media has grown dramatically from the early days of LiveJournal and Xynga. With the advent of Facebook and Twitter, no longer is social media simply a place to rant about relationships and post spring break pictures. They are a virtual community and marketplace where you can reach your target audience and they can reach you.

We can help develop a strategy that will expose your brand to the power of “sharing” and “likes” — all while making sure your reputation is kept intact.

Professional Printing and Promotional Products

Start-ups, family businesses, non-profits, corporations, and politicians can all benefit from having sharply printed promotional items and unique products to leave behind when meeting with prospects, customers, working a trade show, or just to have at your office.

The cost of these products can add up quickly and you never know which vendor you can trust to deliver your products on time and how you want them.

Splash Digital takes the worries out of printing and promotional products, not only do we design your products we also offer in-house printing services too. Our prices are some of the most competitive in the area allowing you to save time and money.

Trade Shows Booths and Exhibits

Showcasing your business or organization at a Trade Show or convention can be a vital part of your business growth plan by helping you reach a very targeted audience in a controlled setting. Chances are you will be there with countless competitors making it even more important of you to leave a lasting impression by standing out amongst the other exhibitors.

Splash Digital can help you design and produce a booth or exhibit that will certainly separate you from your competition at the trade show. Chances are we are already designing your printed materials, promotional products and other handouts- it makes sense for us to design the entire booth to keep your brand consistent. We can also help you set up the exhibit the day of the show and staff your booth if necessary. Our clients constantly report back to us that they felt like their booth was the best looking booth at the show, don’t you want yours to be too?

Public Relations

Controlling your public image is key to the growth and success of any organization. The old cliché there’s no such thing as bad press isn’t always accurate; depending on how the story plays out media exposure can be just as harmful as it is helpful. Working with well-connected and experienced public relations professionals is paramount to ensuring your story is told on your terms. Our leadership team has built strong working relationships with key players in the Louisville media market and on a national level and Splash Digital’s professional reputation is put to work on behalf of our clients whether we are pitching a positive piece to a reporter or news director or reacting to a potential media crisis.

Public Relations isn’t just about dealing with the media and reporters it’s also about telling your unique story to those who matter most and to the public at large. The strategies have changed as the way we communicate with one another has changed over the years and Splash Digital has changed with them. If you are launching a new product, planning and promoting an event or fundraiser, opening a new business location or just trying to increase your visibility in your community we can help you get the word out by utilizing the most effective and proven strategies in the business.

Josephine Billboard

Media Buys

Whether you are buying television time, radio sponsorships or launching an online Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising campaign working with an experienced and knowledgeable media buyer can ensure your campaign’s messages reaches your target audience effectively and maximizing the return on your advertising dollars investment.

Since 2000, Splash Digital’s leadership team has been planning and executing dynamic multi faceted paid advertising and media campaigns that have helped our clients stand out and leave a lasting impression on your potential customers, voters, or stakeholders.